6 Creative Ways Companies are Using Video Content for Marketing

Whatever market you’re operating in, it’s likely that the market is highly saturated with a ton of competitors. It’s difficult to stand out from the crowd and attract new customers amongst the sea of other products. However, we do know of one sure-fire way to get noticed – high-quality video content.

Video can be a great way to show off your product, dive deeper into your company’s vision, explain a complex topic, and much more. You can use video on your website as well as within your marketing and ad campaigns. And if you’re questioning whether video production is worth the investment — 88% of people included in this study say they’ve been convinced to buy a product after watching a brand’s video. That sounds like it’s well worth the investment to us!

hours of video watched per week

Below, we take you through 7 different ways you can use video content in your marketing campaigns. If you don’t already have existing video content to leverage, this list can help you ideate what videos you could create for future marketing endeavors.

Product Promotion

The most common form of video content that can be used for marketing is focused on product promotion. Like with most marketing campaigns, the goal for a product promotion video is to increase interest in your product and ultimately increase sales.

Creating a successful product promotion video is going to depend on the type of product as well as the target audience. A product for kids might include lots of bright colors and a playful script, whereas a software product aimed at small businesses will focus on features and benefits. Before creating your promotional product video, be sure that you’ve got a strong understanding of who your target market is and what they respond best to.

There are two things that you will likely want to include regardless of the industry you operate in:

  1. Product features – explain your product and what it does
  2. Product benefits – this is different from features in that it is more focused on how the product helps the consumer (e.g. a feature is that you can slice and blend all in one product and the corresponding benefit is that consumers can save space on their counter by using this 2-in-1 product)

Investing in product video production is a great use of your marketing budget as a product video can be repurposed over and over for a variety of different marketing campaigns. Whether you’re using a shortened clip as a social ad or an extended version for a commercial on a streaming platform, a high-quality product promotion video could be useful in almost any marketing campaign.

How-to/Explainer Video

How-to or explainer videos are especially useful for complex products or services that are more complex or that operate in a completely new sector. If consumers are confused about how your product works or the best way to use your product, it’s often easier to explain through video.

Explainer videos are an exceptional tool in awareness campaigns. In this stage of the buyer’s journey, a consumer is still in the research phase; they want to learn more about a variety of product options. It’s important to explain to the consumer how your product works at this point because if they don’t understand, then they may pass on your product right away. 

One thing to keep in mind if you’re creating a how-to or explainer video is to always show and not just tell. The benefit of using video is that users can see how they should be interacting with your product, so if you share instructions on the screen without also demonstrating your product, it won’t have as much of an impact.

Customer Testimonials

Consumers are often hesitant to trust what a company has to say about their own product. Why would a company say that their product is anything but the best? Instead, they’re more likely to trust a customer that gives an honest review of the product making testimonials an incredibly valuable tool in your marketing strategy. If you want potential consumers to feel certain that the customer really does love your product, it’s time to create a video.

Video testimonials let the consumer hear what other customers have to say in their own voice by creating a personal connection with the customer and therefore your product. Customer testimonial videos are a great way to evoke emotion and ultimately convince the user to purchase.

About Us

A video that goes into depth about who you are as a company is another way to create a connection with your potential customers. Explaining how you got started, your collective mission, and why you do what you do allows consumers to connect on a personal level.

There are industries where this may be less effective. In some cases, a consumer is purely focused on product features and price. It could also be the case that your company doesn’t have a compelling story. If you don’t feel like your About Us video is going to evoke emotion from the viewer, then it may not be the right type of video content for you.

Company Culture

While a video focused on company culture is similar to an about us video, there is one distinct difference – company culture is focused on employees rather than leadership. While the leadership team does play a big role in establishing and maintaining company culture, they shouldn’t be the main focus. Employees are the heart and soul of your business, and this is their chance to shine.

A company culture video can be used in marketing campaigns, and is often ideal as a recruiting and hiring tool. If you’re looking to attract new talent, a video that shows what it’s like to work at your company and showcases company culture is a great recruiting and hiring tool.


Typically animation is not really a category by itself. In fact, animation can be incorporated into any of the above video types, but in this section we’ll focus specifically on fully animated videos. An animated video can be used to show scenarios or concepts that would be difficult to film but are still important to visualize. Or maybe there isn’t any issue with being able to film, but animation would provide a level of lightheartedness and fun that regular film can’t.

Regardless of why you choose to use animation, it’s important to note that the process for creating an animated video is different than that of creating a filmed video. As you’re planning your marketing campaigns and including animation, just be sure you’re accounting for the right timeline (which could vary greatly depending on the type of animation and the length of the video).


So now that you’ve got a handle on all the creative ways you can use video content in your marketing campaigns, it’s time to get started on your video production. Whether you’re interested in creating a series of product promotion clips for Instagram or a lengthy explainer video that incorporates animation, we are the right partner for you. Give us a call at 831-824-9660 today to get started.

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