Commercial Video Production

When it comes to promoting your business, product, or service, there’s really nothing better than a high quality commercial. As TV and streaming have progressed in recent years, so have commercials and ads. Commercials can be used on a variety of different platforms including the web, streaming services, YouTube, and more. It’s essential that you create your commercial with this in mind.

If commercial video production seems daunting, then you’ve come to the right place. We’re one of the top commercial production companies in the area, and can help you through every step of the commercial production process. From discovery all the way through post-production, we work with you to consider all the different platforms your commercial will live, as well as the different audiences you would like to reach. This helps us to ensure that you end up with a final production that exceeds your expectations. 

If you’re still a little unsure of where to start when it comes to creating a commercial for your business, read on to see the different types of commercials you can create with us, and some important best practices. You can also reach out to us today with any questions and we can help you get started.

Types of Commercial Video Production

As a commercial video production company in Santa Cruz, we have worked with a wide range of product types and have created a variety of different types of commercials. The type of commercial you choose is going to depend on a couple different factors. In particular, the product or service that you offer, your target audience, and your goal for the commercial.

  • Explainer – this type of commercial is used when the purpose/use of your product or service isn’t automatically clear to your viewers. You may need to demonstrate how the product is used. Or your video could consist of all the benefits of using your product and convincing the user why they need it. Either way, the content of your video is focused on explaining your product and educating the audience.
  • Testimonial – they say that nothing sells your product like a happy customer. Feature a customer testimonial in your commercial to give more credibility to your product. Viewers are more likely to trust a peer’s review of your product rather than if you just say how good your product is.
  • Comparison – in some cases, you may want to show how your product or service is better than the competition. If you go this route for your commercial, it’s important to do so with tact. Be careful not to bash the competitor, and don’t show any copyrighted imagery or phrases that you’re not authorized to use. When done well, a comparison commercial focused mainly on the benefits of your business rather than the downsides of the competition.
  • Aspirational – sometimes the best approach is to inspire your audience by showing them how your product improves their life. These types of commercial productions focus less on the product itself and more on the benefit it provides. From humorous to heartfelt, aspirational videos help you better connect with the viewer on an emotional level.

Not sure which type of commercial is right for you and your brand? Give us a call at 831-824-9660 or shoot us a message and we can help walk you through the process.

Commercial Video Best Practices

There isn’t one correct way to do video production for commercials. In fact, there are tons of different ways you can achieve the perfect commercial for your product. However, it’s important to keep in mind that there are some best practices you should follow. If you’re worried about incorporating all these best practices, an experienced TV commercial production company like us can help you. 

  • Product benefits – one of the most important parts of any commercial is answering the what, why, and how. What will this product do for someone? Why should someone buy this product? How will it solve a problem? How will it make their life better? Cover the benefits of your product by answering these questions. If you don’t take the time to answer these questions in your commercial, then your audience may not be convinced to make a purchase.
  • Evoke emotion – evoking a certain emotion from your audience can be a great catalyst to helping them make a purchase. Maybe you want to evoke nostalgia, or perhaps a warm and fuzzy feeling. In a lot of cases, commercials are intended to make the viewer feel like they will be missing out if they don’t purchase. Whatever emotion you’re trying to convey with your commercial, be sure that you do have one in mind so that all aspects of the video can be geared towards that.
  • Call to action – one of the biggest mistakes we see with commercials is not including a clear call to action. By the end of the video, the user should be clear on what you want them to do next. Where can they buy your product? Is there a website they should visit or a number they should call? Are there deals that you’re currently running? If so, make sure to encourage urgency by telling them when they need to act by.
  • Animation and graphics – when used properly, graphics and animation can be great additions to your commercial. Use animation and graphics to enhance your message, but be sure it doesn’t distract or take away from your goal for the commercial. Here at Impact Creative, our team of graphic designers and animators can ensure that any animations or graphics help to enhance your commercial, all while following brand guidelines.

Now that you’ve got a handle on some best practices, it’s time to get started on your commercial! Reach out to us today for a quote, and we can help you get started on your commercial video production.